2 min read | Mar 15, 2017
Tiger Leather Here at Benton Tech, we are starting a series of Customer Spotlights where we will highlight various businesses we work with and feature the relationships we’ve had the opportunity to build since opening for business. This month, we want to highlight the very first client we ever gained at Benton Tech, Tiger Leather….
1 min read | Feb 16, 2017
Did you know that opening an email or downloading an attachment in a spammy message could infect your business with a virus? Today it’s easier than ever for cyber criminals to infiltrate small businesses via email, so before you open that next message in your inbox, read this. Email Security By The Numbers The recent…
2 min read | Jan 11, 2017
Psychoanalyzing a Cyber Hacker 2016 saw cyber threats increase in number and evolve dramatically as businesses became more digitally connected. That trend is sure to continue in 2017, but it will manifest itself in different ways. To help your business prepare and combat these security threats, we’ve put together this psychoanalysis of the 2017 cyber…
1 min read | Dec 9, 2016
What Are Drive-By Fraud Alerts? A recent and increasingly dangerous phenomenon called drive-by fraud alerts is beginning to make its mark on Triangle businesses. These alerts will pop up randomly while you are using the internet and alert you that your computer has been infected. It will then prompt you to call a phone number or…
2 min read | Nov 22, 2016
Meet Our New Hires! We’re adding new members to the Benton Tech family just in time for the holiday season! Scroll through below to meet the brand new additions to our team! Holly Benton Title: Office Manager Q: What do you do at Benton Tech? A: I handle anything non-technical, from the billing and accounting…
1 min read | Oct 17, 2016
Email Security Tips for Employees Your employees are on the front lines when it comes to email security. Unfortunately, we’ve found that most business’ staff members are ill equipped to spot malicious emails. That’s a huge problem for small businesses given that they are the most likely targets for phishing email scams. So, to educate…
3 min read | Sep 1, 2016
What is Ransomware? The most daunting threat to the internet as we know it is a popular, fairly new form of hacking called Ransomware. Ransomware is a form of malware that infiltrates your network security veil and seizes your most sensitive files. Once in control of your important documents, it demands a ‘ransom’ payable to…
1 min read | Jul 19, 2016
Email has become the popular medium among cyber criminals for implementing malware on unsuspecting victims. Thus, we’ve taken strides over the past few months to explain why email security is so vital. However, it’s also important that businesses know how to spot malicious emails right off the bat. To help your employees better protect themselves…
2 min read | Jun 14, 2016
VoIP technology is quickly becoming the best friend of businesses everywhere, and it could be your ticket to the next level of communication technology. VoIP is a type of internet telephone system that allows your employees to access company networks from their phones at any time. If you have not yet considered business VoIP services,…
2 min read | May 17, 2016
2016 has been quite the year for hackers. Hospitals, insurance firms and even federal government agencies are all recent victims of data security breaches that have called our nation’s cyber defense into serious question. But as we progress into the latter half of the year, the threats persist; most recently in the form of 272.3…