1 min read | Jan 12, 2018
Last week surfaced two bugs which are affecting basic machine security for many companies. The two vulnerabilities are Meltdown and Spectre, and they primarily impact the way mainstream processors store and silo information. Here’s what you need to know:
What is Meltdown?
Meltdown is a bug that primarily affects the margin between applications and the operating system, making it easier for a cyber criminal to access the core of an OS. It impacts Intel and Qualcomm processors and one type of ARM chip.
What is Spectre?
Spectre is the more dangerous bug of the two because it is the more difficult bug to patch. Many times it is not until the bug is fixed that problems arise. Because this bug is designed to target error-free applications following best practices, any safety checks initiated as a part of those best practices could increase Spectre’s attack radius. It affects Intel, ARM, AMD and Qualcomm processors.
The Good News
Though these bugs can affect nearly all machines, it is still extremely unlikely that your business will be compromised. Affected vendors have recognized and responded swiftly to this threat and are putting together patches and recommended responses for each bug. In the meantime, rest assured knowing the IT security experts at Benton Tech will be monitoring and maintenancing your machinery to protect your business.
What Are The Next Steps?
Do not panic! All you need to do is alert Benton Technology Solutions of any issues with your machinery. We will assess, test and implement all updates and patches as they are made available. Please contact us with any questions in the meantime as we continue to work through this situation.